{% load i18n %} {% if items %} {% if is_searching %}

{% blocktrans count counter=items.paginator.count %} There is one match {% plural %} There are {{ counter }} matches {% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %} {% include "wagtailsnippets/snippets/list.html" with choosing=1 %} {% include "wagtailadmin/shared/pagination_nav.html" with items=items is_ajax=1 %} {% else %} {% if is_searching %}

{% blocktrans %}Sorry, no snippets match "{{ query_string }}"{% endblocktrans %}

{% else %} {% url 'wagtailsnippets:add' model_opts.app_label model_opts.model_name as wagtailsnippets_create_snippet_url %}

{% blocktrans with snippet_type_name=model_opts.verbose_name %}You haven't created any {{ snippet_type_name }} snippets. Why not create one now?{% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %} {% endif %}