{% extends "wagtailadmin/base.html" %} {% load wagtailadmin_tags i18n staticfiles %} {% block extra_css %} {{ block.super }} {{ example_form.media.css }} {% endblock %} {% block titletag %}{% trans 'Styleguide' %}{% endblock %} {% block bodyclass %}styleguide{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% trans "Styleguide" as title_trans %} {% include "wagtailadmin/shared/header.html" with title=title_trans %}


Colour palette

Accessible colour combinations

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) ensures that content is accessible by everyone, regardless of any disability or user device. To ensure text remains compliant with WCAG 2.0 AA standards, use only these permitted colour combinations.

Use this Color Palette Accessibility Checker to test new colour combinations using the existing colour palette.

Small text combinations: for font sizes 16px or smaller

Large text combinations: for font sizes 18px or larger


This is an h1

This is an h2

This is an h3

This is an h4

This is an h5

This is a paragraph

  1. These are
  2. items in an
  3. ordered list
This is an example of code

Help text

Help text is not to be confused with the messages that appear in a banner drop down from the top of the screen. Help text are permanent instructions, visible on every page view, that explain or warn about something.

This is help text that might be just for information, explaining what happens next, or drawing the user's attention to something they're about to do

It could be multiple lines

A warning message might be output in cases where a user's action could have serious consequences

A critical message would probably be rare, in cases where a particularly brittle or dangerously destructive action could be performed and needs to be warned about.


table listing

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3

TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD

Unpublished TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD

TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD

ul listing

ul listings with multiple columns

Listings used for choosing a list item

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3

TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD

Disabled TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD

TD with title class

Regular listing TD Regular listing TD


{% paginate example_page %}


Do not use {% filter force_escape|lower %}{% endfilter %} use {% filter force_escape|lower %}

Secondary buttons

button link

Small buttons

button link


button link

Disabled buttons

button link

Bi-color icon buttons with text

Note that input elements are not supported by any icon buttons.

button link


button link

Icon buttons without text

button link


button link

Colour signifiers


yes yes


No No

Buttons with internal loading indicators (currently only button supported)

Note that in some browsers, clicking these buttons minutely affects the appearance of Dropdown buttons, below. This is yet to be resolved.



Buttons where the text is replaced on click

Arbitrarily bigger


A link button A non-link button button link

Button groups

Adds rounding to first and last items only

A link button A non-link button


    {% for field in example_form %} {% if field.name == 'file' %} {% include "wagtailimages/images/_file_field.html" %} {% else %} {% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field_as_li.html" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  • {% trans "Delete image" %}

Page editor


Tabs are currently only used following headers, where they often appear merged with the bottom of the header:

{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/header.html" with title=title_trans merged=1 %}

Tabs can also indicate errors:

{% include "wagtailadmin/shared/header.html" with title=title_trans merged=1 %}

Progress indicators




Misc formatters

Avatar icons

Avatar normal

Avatar square

Avatar small

Status tags

Primary tag
Secondary tag

Loading mask

Add the following div around any items you wish to display with a spinner overlay and fading out

Remove the "loading" class to disable the effect

Image transparency

It can be useful to show users the transparent areas of images. Add a transparency checkerboard with the .show-transparency on the img tag thus:


IE9 debugging

Internet Explorer 9 has two critical limitations in its CSS support: a maximum of 31 stylesheets per page and a maximum of 4096 selectors per stylesheet. The latter is particularly problematic when CSS is concatenated.

{% endblock %} {% block extra_js %} {{ block.super }} {% include "wagtailadmin/pages/_editor_js.html" %} {{ example_form.media.js}} {% endblock %}